The Schult Tempo Sweet Caroline is a beatiful singlewide manufactured home option! 

Check out this Schult Tempo Sweet Caroline.  A 3 bed-2 bath minnesota built singlewide manufactured home.   This home is built with the energy star package - saving the environment and dollars too!  Not only is this home spacious it also has a nice open concept feel.  

The Schult Tempo series has a variety of great homes to choose from - many great singlewide and doublwide floor plans.  

Schult Homes is a company based out of Redwood Falls, Minnesota, and has a reputation for both high-quality modular and manufactured homes.  This singlewide floor plan is just one of many homes that Excelsior Homes West, Inc. of Hutchinson can offer.  Select one of floor plans or let us help design a home for you. Contact us today to learn more or visit us in Hutchinson, Minnesota.