Do you own a Manufactured Home and want to learn more about proper Manufactured Home Maintenance?
Regardless of the type of home you own, home owner maintenance is an important task that should be completed throughout the life of your home. First, a manufactured home owner should make a manufactured home maintenance list, keeping track of when maintenance items are inspected and when tasks are completed. Depending on the task, items should be checked monthly, annually, or bi-annually to extend the life of the manufactured home.
Manufactured Home Maintenance
Some manufactured home maintenance should be completed on a monthly basis. One very important item that should be included in the monthly maintenance is cleaning and/or replacing furnace filters when dirty. This will maintain the cleanliness of your home and efficiency of your furnace. Testing smoke alarms on a monthly basis is also important. Other manufactured home maintenance items should be completed on an annual or bi-annual basis. Cleaning debris off the roof is an item that should be checked annually. Bi-annually a manufactured home owner should test and change smoke and/or CO2 detector batteries. To help you get started, we compiled some ideas of what should be included on a manufactured home maintenance checklist.
Monthly Manufactured Home Maintenance
- Inspect and/or change furnace filters
- Run water down drains of seldom used fixtures to reduce odors and freezing
- Test smoke alarms and CO2 detectors
Bi-Annual Manufactured Home Maintenance
- Test smoke alarms and CO2 detectors and replace batteries
- Inspect fire extinguisher and replace or recharge as needed
- Inspect Roof for missing or damaged shingles
- Check for plumbing leaks and clean aerators
Annual Manufactured Home Maintenance
- Clean gutters and drain pipes (fall)
- Check roof for ice dams and icicles (winter)
- Remove window and door screens; check and patch as needed (fall)
- Check for leaks from windows and doors
- Check that home is level
- Check for moisture inside and outside of home
- Check AC unit (spring)
- Inspect and clean siding and skirting
Although this is not a complete list of the manufactured home maintenance that should be completed each year, it will give home owners an idea of the responsibilities that go along with home ownership. Purchasing a home is an investment and maintaining it properly will extend the life of your manufactured home.